• Online Reputation Management ORM - BusinessLanes Technologies

Online Reputation Management

Distinguished studies are proving that 80% of Consumers today are influenced by reviews in the digital world.

ORM or Online reputation management is a exercise to enhance popular sentiment about your business by regulating online data about you.

Reputation management (also referred to as rep management, online reputation management or ORM) is the practice of shaping public opinion of your business by influencing online information about you.

Why is it important?

In Today’s viral power of social media, just one section of unhappy people can wreck your business in no amount of time and destroy your years of reputation.

Just in a matter of hours, you will find perverse reviews about your business spreading like wildfire.

Negative reviews just flow, thanks to some duplicator websites. These websites run solely for the purpose of ads, in case ruin your reputation multiple times.

Repair and Protection are the two sides of the coin called reputation management.


Here’s an example …..

One of a top hospital was running successfully. They were the best in the business.

But due to some negligence, they were getting some bad press. The FDA and licensing bodies got involved, their license was revoked for 90 days. Thereafter inquiry was conducted nothing was found, license got reinstated. But the damage was done.

Freelancers and digital media had picked up the story.

More than 70 %of search results in the first 2 pages of Google were found negative.

Overall business seemed to have collapsed.

At that point, they approached us.

We instituted and ran affirmative content about them in all digital mediums. No such activity was done to invoke Google penalty, instead only humanitarian and good activities done by the hospital were promoted.

There is an old saying “Protection” is better than a cure.


Customised lists of keywords are created for your business, name and your brand. Our team at businesslanes monitor relevant websites 24/7 for any unsuitable reviews about you.

The trouble with websites are spotted with immediate effect, any unsuitable mention anywhere, be it a blog, anything any digital medium, we track it fast, so troubleshooting is done faster.

MORAL: Better safe than sorry. Protection is worth the every penny spent than repair.

Last thing: Google develops and automatize regulations for online reputation management on a day to day basis. So, if you’re sincere about expecting more clients or consumers from your websites, it can’t be done by yourself

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